Who we are



Our mission is to push others to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual refining.



170 Exchange Ave
Conway, AR 72032


5am – 7pm MTWF

4pm - 6pm Thursdays

9am – 11am Saturdays


“Refine”….? What’s that name all about?

In order to refine something, you must be willing to put this item through an uncomfortable, yet necessary process…to remove impurities, to bring to a finer state, to make more precise. There is a slow, intentional, careful & time-consuming process that must be endured. You cannot hurry this process and you cannot cut corners, otherwise the complete work will not be done. At Refine Active Health, we want to create an environment where you can go through this process physically, mentally and even emotionally, and we want to walk through it with you. Being refined is not just about reaching the finish line; what makes that finish line worth it is how you grow along the way.

What can I expect when I come in for a workout
at Refine Crossfit?

Our classes are structured in such a way to make the absolute most of your time at the box. We begin every class with one of our CrossFit Certified Coaches leading the class in a group warm-up. We will then go through an applied skill section, highlighting one or more movements used within the programmed WOD (Workout Of the Day). Everyone then performs the workout together, while the coach makes their way around the room, ensuring that movements are being performed safely and correctly. Once the WOD is over, if anyone has any energy to spare, there is a “Cashout”. This cashout consists of optional skill-work that will increase ability and strength is some of our less-common or higher-skill movements. After that, you go home, soak in an Epsom Salt bath, and come back to do it all again the next day!

What if I don’t know how to do something?

If words like “push press”,  “squat-clean thruster”, “AMRAP” and “double-under” lead you to believe that you’re about to have to learn a totally different language, don’t worry, our qualified coaches will make sure that you know how to do the movements (and what they’re called) and/or any modification necessary for the WOD. Eventually, you will learn the lingo, and you will know exactly what to do when you see something like “EMOM”, “10!” and “Banded Good-morning”.

What is the goal of the CrossFit training methodology?

Our goal is to help you reach YOUR goal! Within CrossFit, the workouts are designed to be as hard or as easy as you want them to be! Whether you want to lose weight, gain strength, lean out, or bulk up, combining CrossFit with the proper nutrition will get you where you want to be. Our members are the reason we are even here & we want to help you figure out your goals and then get you on the right path to reach them. Email us, text us, or call us, and we’ll answer any questions you may have.

Is Refine right for me?

If you are willing to get yourself to the box each day, we can guarantee that there will be a good workout and a great community waiting for you! Regardless of skill level, athleticism, experience, age, or knowledge, we can work with you. Every movement, every weight and every workout can be modified to the skill level of anyone participating. Many people think they need to get in shape before they start CrossFit, but getting in shape is the purpose of CrossFit! Don’t wait until tomorrow! There’s no time like the present.