Jamie Moon

CrossFit - L1

Jamie and her husband Barrett have been part of  Refine since 2015 — and now they have added 3 kids who have been part of the gym since birth. Jamie and Barrett are both in real estate, and she owns her own interior design business. When she’s not designing homes or doing mom life, you can usually find her at Refine or somewhere drinking coffee, maybe both! They also love traveling, lake life, and live music. Jamie started coaching in 2023 and loves getting to tap into her retired cheerleader self to encourage and push our members to bring their best effort every day. 

How long have you been involved with CrossFit? What got you started? 
Barrett and I started CrossFit about 9 years ago after a season of long distance sports. We were looking for something that could give us an amazing workout without spending hours on bike or trail. We had heard about CrossFit - especially the criticisms of it - but when some trusted friends opened Refine, we knew it would be a great place to plug in! We’ve been here ever since and have made so many lifelong friends. 

What’s your favorite CrossFit move/lift? Why? 
Bar muscle ups because I like to flyyyyyy! Or power cleans because they make me feel strong. 

What’s your least favorite? Why? 
The bike… I have chicken legs and not enough mental fortitude to gut that out like I should. 

What’s your favorite part about coaching? 
Watching each individual leave the world at the door to come conquer something hard every day, and it’s different for each person. For one it may be a mental battle, for another it may a battle with a skill they have been fighting for, or they may be leaving it all on the floor to push the boundaries of their experience. We all gather to do our own version of something hard, and we make it through together. 

If you’re going to cheat on diet, what’s your guilty pleasure food or meal? 

Favorite hobby outside of the gym? 
Painting! I have a fine art background.

What keeps you coming back to CrossFit every day? 
Every day is different and a completely different challenge. And on the days I’m not so motivated, I know all I have to do is get there and the people around will help re-light the fire for me.

What’s your favorite thing about Refine?
The name says it all for me. It’s a place where the people and process refine my body, mind, and spirit daily. I’m a healthier, happier and stronger version of myself than I was 9 years ago. Jesus is the reason, but he makes himself known to me in that metal box pretty often.